It has arrived!!! My LAST post of 2021!

I KNOW!! It’s this very post. Wild, isn’t it?? 😁😆

Which means that we have only a few days left of this current year before we embark on yet another journey, called 2022. Oh, I’m sure we are in-store for a mighty interesting trek, as we traverse yet another year of crazily-unpredictable terrain….

Watch out for those SURPRISE mountains that seem to jump out of the clouds!! And those cliffs, too – – definitely watch out for those…😳

Though, I do believe that we are survivors. Cue all the songs that just came to mind when I said that! Gloria Gaynor, Beyoncé…😄 Seriously, though. We’ve made it through plenty of insanity over the years, especially since the 2020’s began. SO, now it’s time to make way for the mystique of 2022 and….CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, not EXACTLY what I meant. 😛

However…..🤔….it IS imperative that we recharge our own batteries. And I’m talking about that life force within, not those rechargeable AAA batteries that you might own!! 😉 And in order to do this, we must treat ourselves to self-care, sleep, recovery, self-compassion, and self-kindness. And do these things often and WHENEVER we feel like we’re dragging and we need it.

I think this gentleman could use a break and a ‘lil recharge!

Perhaps it may feel like all of us could use some of that de-stress-self-care now, as December winds down and January continues to step closer. SO, what would it take for you and I to gift ourselves with any of the “caring for you” items that I mentioned??? Because it’s so crucial for our health and our quality of life!!! AND when we take care of ourselves, fill our cup, and recharge our batteries, not only will WE benefit from the rejuvenation but everyone around us will benefit as well!! 😃

Okay, now let’s get back to yet another meaning of…. CHARGE!!!!!!

THAT’S the one!!!!! To charge into the new year with positivity, hope, ambitions, new goals, and all the possibilities that a new year can bring!!

And hey, even if you feel like you want to tiptoe into the new year, scoping things out, testing the waters, feeling it out, and NOT diving in headfirst…..that is perfectly fine and it still is a form of “CHARGE!!” Just with less capital letters (it would be more like “charge..!..!…!) and less yelling and noise, potentially. 😉

AND you can still tiptoe with style!!!!

See, moving slowly and with intention is still a solid strategy to begin a brand-new year. And it is possible for us to charge into 2022 with small steps, awareness, and the basic plan to handle what comes, no matter what.

Whichever “charge” (or “CHARGE!!”) that best suits you at this moment regarding your perspective on the upcoming new year, I hope the transition from ‘21 to ‘22 is smooth and that it feels good to close the book on the former and open the door to the latter.

It’s always exciting to open a mystery door! You never know where it’s going to lead!

And as we all ponder what lies beyond the ball drop and festivities of New Year’s, I thought that now might be a good time to share a recent story of mine. I hope that you remember it if you ever find yourself fretting about something that need not be fretted over!!! Especially because one great thing about a brand-new year is the ability to start fresh, let go of lingering burdens, and move forward with a positive mindset!!

We all know a saying very similar to this:


Other sayings may be “Life is too short to wait” or “Life is too short for regrets.” And you know what, time really does go by so fast!!!!!! Which means that our precious life should not be wasted on frustrations and worries and annoyances that reeeeeeaaallly don’t matter so much in the grand scheme of life, you know?

Pssssst……ESPECIALLY if there is a quick fix or an alternate option at your disposal to help you, RIGHT THERE, to lessen the frustration/annoyance factor. 😐 Yes, this is leading to my story. Here we go:

Something that I have never mentioned before is that I have a part-time job, in addition to my training as a personal trainer, group trainer, and an alignment therapist. I also work at a cute little restaurant/café!

Something like this, minus the very large plants! 🪴

It’s a great place and my bosses let me work in-between all of my other appointments and sessions. I help them, I make some extra cash, it’s a total win-win for all!! 😀

Here are important points to the story!!!! First, please let me say that I have only had this job for two months so far. Secondly, I was trained to take orders at the register, never at the table. Thirdly, I never really worked during their breakfast hours and I never was told how the café operated prior to me working there.

WELL, the other day, a gentleman came into the café. He was the only one there at the time and I was at my usual place, behind the cash register.

Very similar to this!!

And as soon as the man walked in, his phone rang. So, he apologized to me, took the phone call, and was hanging his coat up on a chair at one of the tables as he was chatting. All while I patiently waited for him to come up and order something.

When he finished his phone call, he put his phone and wallet on the table, SAT DOWN, and just stared straight ahead, not even looking in my direction…..

Seriously, like this – – except the man was in his 60’s! And I was looking at his profile as he looked forward….

He said nothing and I said nothing, for a solid minute to 90 seconds – – which is an eternity in this scenario – – and I was watching him, utterly confused. “He clearly sees me standing here, right? Why is he not coming up to the register? Why isn’t he saying anything at all? Hmmm….I wonder if he is waiting for someone to join him?”

So, I ask him, “Excuse me, are you waiting for someone else to join you?” To which he replies, in a slightly snarky tone, “No, I’m waiting for a menu.”

My first reaction in my mind: ❓❓❓❓

A menu???? The only menus that I have ever seen were the takeout menus. So, I explain that we have takeout menus only. He again says, “I want the breakfast menu.” (By the way, it is about 11:45am on a Monday.) So, again I explain that there is no breakfast menu because we have the menu written out on the board behind me. He continues to repeat himself about this breakfast menu, as do I repeat myself with my responses about NO MENUS, ONLY TAKEOUT MENUS. And my confusion grows with why he is refusing to come up and order since I am literally 8 feet away from him…..

So, he then says, “clearly we’re having an issue with communication.”

My second reaction in my mind: You can’t be serious.

He was VERY serious. So, I say, “please come right up here (as I excitedly wave him over to the register) and I would be happy to take your order!” To which he barks, “I don’t know what I want!!!”


My third reaction in my mind: Are you freakin’ kidding me??? Do you see this gigantic board behind me? It is HUGE and seen from your table…..

So, I started to say “oh, there is no rush and you can take your time looking at all of the menu items….” to which he then grabbed his coat, keys, and wallet, said “I’m not doing this, I’m going to go somewhere else.” AND HE LEFT!!!!! Super duper angry and soooooo offended, as if I had put him down mercilessly the entire time that he was in my presence – – for those FIVE MINUTES of awkwardness.

As he walked towards the door, I said, in a very stunned state, “Okay….have a good day.” And he said, “yeah!” in a huffy and obnoxious tone. So, here was my fourth reaction in my mind: BYE!!!!

I had never really witnessed anything quite like it. I mean, this grown-a$$ man expected me to be a table server. And when I didn’t fulfill that role to his liking, he was insulted, like I was lazy and choosing not to serve him specifically, and he refused to be bothered to actually WALK UP TO THE REGISTER (oh, the horror!!) and order while standing! (GASP!!)

What a friggin’ nightmare, right?!?!?! 😛

I was polite and happy to help him, yet he had an expectation in his mind and a stubbornness to get his way. And when he did not get his way, he left like a spoiled child.

When I asked my boss about the “breakfast menus,” it turns out that the café used to provide table service when there was more staff!! So, they did indeed have real menus and a server that took their orders at the table. So, the snooty guy was totally correct!! HOWEVER, that has since changed because of COVID so there is no more table service because of limited staff. Who knew?????? Most definitely not me. 😬 Though I certainly know now!!!!

I found this amazing list that may be so useful for us in this upcoming year. It is titled, “Simple Formula for Living” and it includes ways to add to the quality of our lives and add ease to our lives, too.

It’s such a fantastic list, right??? And the last two points are gold: don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s all small stuff!!! Again, LIFE IS TOO SHORT!!

So, going back to this man who was CRAZY-OFFENDED that I did not bring him a menu that I didn’t know the café had, and wait on him…..Oooooooooh, sir. You clearly sweat all the small stuff and I greatly wish that you would read this list and remove the confines that are strangling you. Because you created undue anger and stress and drama in your life that simply did not need to be there.

In closing, first, I would like to say please read the “Simple Formula for Living,” over and over again!! And feel free to share it with your loved ones so they may benefit from the wisdom found in the list, too!

Secondly, please remember my ridiculous story with breakfast menu guy and do your very best not to sweat the small stuff!!! He must be one grumpy/angry/frustrated being all of the time and I definitely do not wish that for you!!!!


With a “charge” or a “CHARGE!!!!” 😃

And finally, thank you so much for being here and joining me on yet another year of weekly blog posts!!! I appreciate you!!

Wishing you continued good health, happy hearts, and inner fulfillment beyond your wildest imagination!! Cheers to 2022, with love!!!! ! 🥂💖🎉✨🥂💖🎉💫