I love finding great quotes and inspirational tidbits that influence the perspective and get us looking at things in a different way.

And OF COURSE I am going to share something that fits into both categories with you right now!!!!!! 😃

You know how life happens and brings chaos into and out of our lives? You know how we rarely feel prepared for such chaos and how obstacles can seemingly knock us down and/or prevent us from going down the path that we once were (happily) on?? You know how we (or many of us!) often demand such perfection from ourselves and give ourselves very little leeway for mistakes????

AND you know how we often say things like “I fell off the wagon” or “I need to get back on track” when we do make mistakes or we’re not following our original path anymore, because of an assortment of circumstances? Which can bring anxiety, disappointment, STRESS, and bad feelings into the situation because we messed up or things are messed up and we’re not where we want to be……

Do you know what I mean? Whether we are talking targets within our nutrition…athletic…performance…strength….ANYTHING ELSE goals, where we have lost some (or A LOT of) ground for one reason or many, we feel like there is more than one path. Like, there is the one “right” path and the many “wrong” paths and we do our darnedest to stay on and come back to this “right” path.

WELL………..what if there is only ONE path for each one of us?? What if life presents just a single path for us to journey along and therefore EVERYthing that happens to us is a part of that one path?!?!?!?!

This would mean that WHEN obstacles come our way, WHEN chaos knocks on our door, WHEN we make mistakes, WHEN we find ourselves far away from a goal/target/ambition/dream…….that all of those things – – those obstacles – – ARE the path. They ARE the track. And we are right where we are meant to be, to experience them, to battle them, to learn from them, to overcome and surpass them, all of the above.

Doesn’t that just make you think a little bit differently???? That everything plays out just the way that it should be, rather than how we “think” or “expect” it all to be. And therefore all we can do is bring our greatest selves along for the ride, do the very best that we can, embrace this single path with all of the variety it provides, and figure out how to carry on with the highest level of joy, integrity, passion, love, growth, and fulfillment. So…….how to LIVE as fully as we possibly can, on this unpredictable path of life.

Which to me also means allowing such obstacles to influence us to get creative, search for more, and reach into the depths of our souls in order to soar through these obstacles and expand this single path so it is fuller and richer!!! And so we can continue to realize our potential and our greatness as we become better, stronger, happier, more fulfilled beings.

Such a powerful perspective to keep in mind as we move along this ONE PATH in our own corners of the world. 🌎

Please allow this gentle reminder to further the understanding of this perspective, that just may help add more ease in stressful situations:

Gentle Reminder: If you feel “off track” please remember there is no “track.” This is your life. It ebbs and flows and twists and halts and speeds up. It all belongs. Stop trying to be a robot who is productive and perfect all the time. You’re not a robot. You’re a human. Be alive to it all.

-Jamie Varon

It’s a great quote!! And super cool that her name is Jamie, too. 😉😁

Be good to yourselves, you beautiful humans. “Be alive to it all.” 🤗

With love from my path to yours,
