Did you know that it’s Thursday????????

I’m sure you did. I only ask because I have ALWAYS written my blog posts on every Wednesday for the past 1.5+ years……..

AND I MISSED YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!! 😱 It seriously just dawned on me this evening. Like, ‘hey look at that, Friday is tomorrow.’ Then I started thinking about what the rest of my Thursday would include….and then it hit me!! BLOG!!! What did I write about yesterday?!?!?!?! 🤨

Trick question. BECAUSE I DIDN’T!!!! 😳

This is me running to fix my major OOPS!!!!!

So, now I’m back, ready to right this wrong!! 😁 And tell you more fun stories about my past on this lovely THURSDAY!!!!!!!

The other day I was thinking about the various roles that I played while I was doing musical theater or other performance gigs. And the variety in my life is WIDE SPECTRUM stuff!!!!! Wait ‘til you hear! 😃

Okay, okay!!! Very little patience, got it. 😉😆

I once played a napkin. Yes, it’s true, I was a napkin dancer during my time performing with a cast of Beauty and the Beast!!! I also was the old-beggar-woman/Enchantress, so I was the one who cast the spell on the selfish Prince and turned him into a Beast! That was a pretty fun role, if I do say so myself, and I wore this amazing green dress, too!!! 😍 But seriously, dancing as a dinner napkin was quite the unique role!!

If this napkin was red and gold, that could be me!!!

Then I played a nun in a performance called ‘Nunsense!!!’ It was a long time ago, though I do remember it being a satire, that had many funny lines in it. AND I got to be onstage alongside my Mentor, who was my choreographer for 8 different musicals! ‘Nunsense’ was certainly fabulous and super clever, with an excellent Director and cast. Though I must say, being onstage with my Mentor and performing beside her was more memorable than the show itself – – for me!!!!!

This could have been a photo from ‘Nunsense,’ with me being exceptionally dramatic!

Then, as you know, if you have been following along with my crazy stories for a while, I have had my fair share of costumed character work!!! And those shows brought me to roles as a Lady Bug, Spike the Dragon, Roxy Marie, Prairie Dawn, Elmo, Zoey, Ernie, Rosita, Abby Cadabby……lots of Muppets!! What gigs they were, to have the opportunity to play so many characters and so many different personalities!!

And I wish that I could find a photo of me as a napkin to show you. Or me as a nun, even better!!!! But I do have one of me as Roxy Marie!! The one character that barely anyone recognized in the show because she was in the “older” Sesame Street shows!!

Plaid skirt, big black shoes, red hair and glasses…oh, and she wears a red backpack, too! That is Miss Roxy Marie!!!

Lastly, and something that I had forgotten about until recently, I actually participated in improv roles at a county fair!!! One of my closest friends and I were asked to assume various characters and then walk around the fair, mingling with everyone as those characters!!!!

And you better believe that I have photo proof of these particular improv days!! I must say, these are pretty good. And I bet you will forgive me entirely for being late with my blog once you see these photo gems.😁

Okay, first improv event: I was a Southern Belle and my handsome friend, Christopher, was my suitor!!!

I know that we gave ourselves fancy names….I believe that he was Chester and….I may have been Penelope!!! That sounds right! Regardless, I got to amble along with my flowy white dress and dainty hat, being escorted by Chester, bless his heart. 😀😁😆

And then, for the BEST picture that you didn’t even know that you needed to see, (you’re welcome!!), may I please present you with a photo of Carmen Miranda and Groucho Marx!!

You better believe that I walked around in that outfit, showing off my hat made of fruit, shimmying around with those fancy sleeves, and dancing throughout the whole fair!!!! Alongside Mr. Marx, of course! We were quite the team and we were well-received by those at the fair, from what I remember. We MAY have attracted a lot of attention as we walked around- – a very flashy couple, as you can see! 😂 – – so we had plenty of people to chat with!!!

The end!!!!! Those were my random thoughts about my past life, where I either lived on stage or I lived as a grand assortment of characters for brief moments in time. It’s a nice, full resume of random characters and things that I became, you know?? 🥸

Well, thank you for your patience and for checking out this blog, period!!! I suppose it’s okay to switch things up a bit, right?? Nothing like a little variety so WHY NOT post on a Thursday!!! Though next week, my plan is to resume the usual Wednesday blog day….I think. 🤣

I’d like to say that I’m purposefully keeping you on your toes….but really, I’m on my toes, too, because my schedule is NUTTY right now so I’m not quite sure what next week will bring.

And that’s okay. Wanna know why?? Evander Holyfield supports staying on our toes!!!!

So, it’s settled. No matter where our lives take us, or which roles we step into in our lives, we’ll continue to stay on our toes!!! And keep moving forward together. 💗💗