I asked a question in my Facebook group – – called ACL Warrior Tribe, in case you wanted to join like-minded, incredible, own-your-greatness beings there!! – – and I was very fascinated by the responses that I received!

One sec!!!!! Now, before I pose the question, please know that I found this question on another site so I cannot take credit for creating this interesting question. Rather, a site called “The Cut” gets full credit and gratitude from me because I love their thought-provoking questions!!

Okay, so here is the question that I asked:

“If there were a way to download your memories into a searchable spreadsheet, would you do it?”

Yes or no???

The most popular answer was “no.” And I found that super intriguing!!!!!

With the reasons being that technology is already too involved in our lives so they wouldn’t want technology to access our memories, too. Or it was because we have already lived those memories so it is unnecessary to look into them again.

OR it’s because they like when memories pop up randomly in their heads, like when nostalgic moments arise or something sparks their remembrance. So, they would rather have memories appear naturally as opposed to having them written out in front of them.

Like when tastes, smells, and even photos take us immediately back to a very specific memory!!

Super fascinating, right?!?! I can see where they are each coming from. 🤔

It was also because some memories prove that we were foolish and immature and made some (very) poor decisions, so why have there be proof of those times in a spreadsheet?????!!!! 🤣 Very funny and VERY TRUE!! Some things we may prefer to keep private and under wraps because it is super embarrassing, cringe-worthy, and on the list of “wish this one didn’t happen!” 😉

Let’s just erase that particular memory from existence, now, shall we?!?! 😁

And then there were a few “Yes” responses to this question!

Whether it was to read and reflect on the good times, create more space for new memories, or just to jump at the rare opportunity to download and review our memories, there were just a small handful of individuals that would do it, if the option presented itself.

And I am on the YES side of this as well!!! 🙋🏻‍♀️

Guys, my memory is incredibly fuzzy when I think back to when I was little and growing up. I clearly have blocked things out and I have minimal and very selective memories from many earlier years in my life. SO, being able to download my memories into a spreadsheet, where I could sift through them all?!?! Yes, thank you!! If for no other reason than for my pure unabashed curiosity.

I am, too!!!!!!!

When I think of this question, I ALSO pair it with this:

Our brains are 90% UNCONSCIOUS vs. 10% CONSCIOUS…….which also means that our subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than our conscious mind. 🤯 FACTS!! The driving force in our life is actually powered by the hidden mind and not the thinking mind.

So, because of my “missing” or blocked memories from when I was little, all the way up until my early adulthood, how much of that stuff am I still holding close? How much of that is still affecting me to this day?? Since the subconscious mind has SO MUCH MORE power over us than the conscious mind. And because, remember, trauma and negativity have the tendency to get trapped in the body-mind-spirit and can only get released when we are aware and take action to let these things go……

Which then makes me wonder……if my memories are blocked and I’m holding onto self-sabotaging things in my subconscious, that’s quite an issue. Since I’m unable to access those negative memories consciously, then I can’t let them go and release them from my subconscious – – because I don’t know exactly what they are, do I?! You see what I mean??! My subconscious mind could still be holding onto lots of not beneficial, untrue things that perhaps somewhat influence me, my decisions, my actions, and reactions…..


I truly believe that everything is connected because EVERYTHING is energy so it’s impossible for it not to be. I also believe that things in our past can still be affecting us in our present. Right now, we are all the accumulation of all the years of our lives and everything that has happened over those very years.

AND, for me on a personal level, because I have had such involved knee injuries over the last 8+ years, I believe that there is way more to the story than “I have bad knees” or “it’s a sign that I’m getting older” or “I have bad luck” or any of the other RIDICULOUS conclusions that I have heard over the years that do not apply to me.

Look at these nice knees!!!! (These aren’t actually a pic of my knees….though my knees are still nice and feeling great! 😃)

INSTEAD, with things like this repetitive injury thing, there are many, many interconnected layers at play. And it goes much deeper, below the surface, to the brain and how it’s wired for survival. And therefore to the role of the subconscious mind and how it holds onto things that we may not even be aware of……

Which, AGAIN, is why having access to our memories in a downloadable format would be incredibly useful and beneficial!!!!!!! Hello awareness, bringing attention to forgotten or blocked memories, AND THEN allowing for the release of the trauma-filled moments because now we know what they are!!!!!! 😃👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Side note: I also feel like just because we could download our memories into a searchable spreadsheet, it wouldn’t remove or take away anything that we are already able to do. Like, memories would still be able to pop up into our minds when sparked! And new memories would still be able to be created, like they are now. And just because the memories COULD be downloaded, doesn’t mean that they would NEED to he shared, riiiiiiight?? So, privacy would still be protected – – as long as we, ourselves, were careful with what we did with those spreadsheets!!!!! 😁

And I know my thoughts about the subconscious mind and blocked memories took things to a much deeper level………SO, how ‘bout this: Just think of this downloadable version of our memories as very fascinating reading material that hits extremely close to home. 😉

All of these books wouldn’t even come close to the billions of memories we have generated over the years, you know?!?!?!

SO, now I leave you to ponder what you would do, if you had the option at your fingertips:

🤔 To download or not to download…???🧐

No wrong answer, fun to think about, and it doesn’t affect you one way or the other because it isn’t an option in our world…..YET. 😛

Keep creating those unforgettable memories that light up your world in mesmerizing and positive ways!! And release what no longer serves you, speak and function from a place of love, and live with awareness so you can move towards unifying the subconscious AND the conscious mind!! 🧠

The subconscious mind on the left, the conscious mind on the right….. 😁😆

Have a great rest of your week!!! See you next Wednesday! 💖