Shhhhhh…I have a secret for you…

I wrote this blog for you over the weekend…even though I am posting it for you on my “usual” WEDNESDAY Post Day!!!! Minus the one day that I screwed it up…..😐 Though, you’ve already forgiven me for that, right?? Because I DID attempt to make it up to you already with interesting stories of my past, a couple of posts ago!! 😊

🤨 Oh….was it not enough???

Darn!! <finger-snap w/dismay> 😉

Well, then I simply MUST tell you my favorite Halloween joke that I found this year!! 😃 I know, I know, Halloween is over….HOWEVER, this is one of those jokes that is fantastic all year-round, I swear!!!! And if you’ve already heard this one? Well, it’s so great that you will enjoy hearing it again, I assure you!! 😁

Okay, okay, here it goes:

Why don’t monsters like eating ghosts??

Hmmmm, I just don’t know…WHY???

Because they taste like SHEET!!!! 👻💩🤣

Or like dancing sheet, maybe?!?! 🎵👻💩🎶


How good is that joke?!?!?! I…KNOW! Well, it’s great that I am now 110% forgiven for any mistake that I have ever made before, (like…EVER! 🤓) just because I shared that amazing joke with you!! Thank you AND you’re welcome!!! 😉😆

SO, on to my story of the week! TRIP!!! Well, this baby has a double meaning…hence the x2…(and there are no psychedelics involved in either! 😁)

TRIP meaning #1: Due to COVID and my knee surgery, I have not travelled for over 1.5 years. And I even had to cancel two flights in March of 2020 for COVID and personal reasons so I have had some travel credits to use ever since.

Me, patiently waiting to use my travel credits. 😁

And OF COURSE I didn’t want them to expire before I got to actually use them!!! Therefore, back in September, I spoke with some friends and I decided to make a TRIP out West and visit them! Hooray!!!!

My first trip will be to Las Vegas, to visit two of my best friends that I met back in 2011 on my very first cruise ship contract!! And then my second trip will be to Los Angeles, to visit one of my closest friends that I met on my first ever dance contract, back in 2006!!!! WHOA, I know. 😃 We go waaaaay back!!

Back to when My Little Pony: The World’s Biggest Tea Party was a touring stage show!!

And then…..

TRIP meaning #2: More recently……like, last week, after I wrote my last blog post about the hypothetical “falling on black ice” scenario in which I was making a point about “if you don’t use it, you lose it…..”

Ahem!! (As I take a breath…..) Now would be the time if you wanted to take a peek at my last blog post, titled “Life is Movement!,” to get why this is both nerve-rackingly ridiculous AND mighty coincidental!!! 🤪

Okay, now that you have read or scanned over my last blog post, here is the story…😉

So, one evening last week, I put my car in the garage! Which was an excellent plan because the following morning, all the cars outside were covered in frost. And you know what else?? There was a nice, slippery layer of black ice on the sidewalk, too!!!!!! 😬

I’m sure you can imagine what happened next, (when the words ‘trip’ and ‘ice’ are in the same story…😬), though I shall give you some more details so you can REALLY visualize it:

I’m carrying my keys, my thick, plastic water bottle, a gift bag with treats inside, my wallet-purse, and my garage door opener. OH! And my phone was in the right pocket of my yoga pants – – that’s an important detail to the story!

When I got outside, on my way to the garage, I DID notice the sparkly sidewalk and I was completely aware that it was going to be slippery. So, I carefully walked like a gingerly penguin with baby steps across the sidewalk.

Like this!! Slow and with small, conscious steps!

But, of course, the sidewalk dips for wheelchair accessibility and such. And when I got to that dip, there was just nothing I could do to slow down my feet. And boy, did I TRIP and slip and bite it…..HARD!!! Like, literally throwing every single thing in my hands up in the air, and smashing to the ground on my LEFT hip and shoulder!!!!!!!!!! 😱 (Thankfully NOT my right, where my cell phone was, because that little guy would have been oh so smashed!!! (📱💥😳)

I’m sure if someone was watching me, it would have been pretty hysterical to see! Like, something you couldn’t help but just laugh at witnessing!!

Maybe like this! With a mixture of terror and amusement! 🤣)

And I can admit this because I am TOTALLY FINE. Phew!!!! Though, I DID manage to scratch and break the top of my water bottle, which was the only thing that broke, thank goodness!! Not a body part, you know?!?! Or that hypothetical torn rotator cuff that I wrote about in my last blog!!!! Ooof. 😳 OR, of course, that phone that I mentioned earlier!!!

I must say, my first thought WAS, “my knee!!!!!!” Because my left knee is my most recent surgeried knee. But it was totally fine, as was my shoulder and the rest of my body from the impact – – minus some bruises from hitting the concrete. I could FEEL the fall in my body – – it felt pretty violent, after all! – – though I had zero issues after that, thank you, black ice.

And I really believe that it’s because of all of the training and mobility work that I do!!! I owe that work, which I had thankfully done that very morning, for that moment. MY MOMENT of “indestructibility” because that fall could have been absolutely DISASTROUS for me and my poor knee. And in a split-second slip like that, you NEED your muscles to be working at sonic-high-speed so they activate in the blink of an eye and protect your body. WHICH MINE DID, thankfully!!!!!!! 🎉👏🏼🎉👏🏼

Please take it from me, it pays to work on your own strength, mobility, flexibility, and, you guessed it, range of motion of all of your joints!!! It all comes together, to help you feel better AND to save you during these freakish moments (out of the blue!!!), when you may need it (and them!!) most!! 🧊

Moments LIKE THIS!!!! (Yikes!)

Well, since TRIP #2 is over and done – – I may need to carry salt with me this winter now that I know how vicious black ice may be this year! – – I can now focus on TRIP #1 and having a long-overdue adventure!!!

I have seriously not traveled anywhere in about one year & nine months! It’s going to be so fun to fly again AND even MORE FUN to see my friends that I haven’t seen in person, in over 3 years!! 😃👏🏼👏🏼

What will we be doing, you ask?? Well, that is a phenomenal question. In Vegas, tons of laughing and catching up – – that is a definite! And I’ll be playing with adorable puppies because my friends have 3 Chihuahuas and I can’t wait to meet them!!!

They are SO cute – – just like this!! I’ve seen pictures. 😍

Besides that…..perhaps a hike or an Escape Room or just movie nights and hanging out. Whatever we choose to do, it will be amazing and fill my soul. 💗 That I know is true!!!!

And then in Los Angeles, my friend and I have plans for seeing the musical, Hamilton, (which I LOVE!!), going to Disneyland, seeing mutual friends that also live in California…plus all the catching up and exploring that I’m sure we will do together!!

This West coast trip will surely be a great time!! AND it will only be Trip x1 and NOT Trip…x2!!!! 😄

Because guess what???!!! The temperature in both places should be pretty lovely and sunny – – so I can soak up some rays AND not worry about the devious black ice while I’m there!!!!! 🤣

Hello, lovely sunshine!! 🌞

Be good to yourself and I hope you include things in your day and this very week that bring you joy and fill up your soul – – just like I get to do on my trip out West!!

Talk to you next week!! 😃❤️✨🌺🌴🌞