Taking health into her own hands!!!

My experience with Jamie has been and continues to be wonderful! I have had several surgeries in the past and have always been very active. Before my classes with Jamie, I hurt all the time and especially the areas more pronounced were my neck, shoulder, hip, and...

One Path

I love finding great quotes and inspirational tidbits that influence the perspective and get us looking at things in a different way. And OF COURSE I am going to share something that fits into both categories with you right now!!!!!! 😃 You know how life happens and...

FUN, even if working out isn’t your fave!

My experiences with Jamie as a Group Trainer were exceptional. Jamie was always attentive to your positioning, whether you were lifting weights, using equipment, or just doing another type of exercise. I appreciated her taking the time to correct me if needed so I did...

Form explained with a smile!

Jamie welcomed everyone by name and was always prepared with challenging workouts, with modifications for every fitness level. She always explained what muscle groups we were working and corrected clients’ form when necessary, always with total encouragement! I...

No boring workouts here!

Jamie created a great team workout atmosphere. Her training sessions were creative and there was always a variety. She always added modifications if you needed them as well. Awesome trainer with a great personality! – Anonymous